We will finalize readings and assignments later in the spring. Please be prepared to participate in two weeks of intensive training. Yes, there will be homework.
The day-to-day work of the summer institute will follow a consistent schedule pattern comprised of two morning blocks and two afternoon blocks, separated with breaks and a 1-hour lunch. In the morning, we will begin with the exploration of digital humanities literature and digital resources related to the methodological focus for the day. In the afternoon, we return to a lab setting, where participants will complete a set of exercises designed to train them in the skills for the day, using materials from the rich array of open access art history sources.
- Week 1
- Monday: Introduction to digital humanities and digital art history; establishing an online professional identity
- Tuesday: Surveying major digital art collections; finding, organizing, and analyzing digital sources
- Wednesday: Building digital collections and assessing digital art history projects
- Thursday: Working with non-textual sources and 3D imaging
- Friday: Introduction to data and data visualizations
- Week 2
- Monday: Mapping and spatial history
- Tuesday: Data Mining and Network Analysis
- Wednesday: Sharing authority and GLAMs
- Thursday: Project planning and grant proposal writing
- Friday: Scholarly communication, professionalization, futures of publishing