July 14: Surveying Major Digital Art Collections






  • Take 15-20 minutes to quickly review (take notes, do not write a review) your assigned site.

Think about:

    • Applicability: Is it directed at a clear audience? Will it serve the needs of that audience?
    • Quality: Is the scholarship sound and current? What is the interpretation or point of view?
    • Accessibility: Is there a fee for use? is specific software required?
    • User Experience: Easy to navigate? Does it function effectively? Does it have a clear, effective, and original design?
    • Use of New Media: Does it make effective use of new media and new technology? Does it do something that could not be done in other media—print, exhibition, film?

(from Art Libraries Society of North America review guidelines: http://arlisna.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=303:for-reviewers&catid=38:multimedia-technology-reviews&Itemid=146)

Site Assignments



Extra Material

Zotero Folder – Day 2 – Surveying Major Digital Art Collections – Extra Material

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