Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt

  1. Find a public domain image that Corbis is charging for. Include titles and urls for both.
  2. Find a video of artist Sam Gilliam talking about his process for creating abstract art, include URL. Where might you find other videos of artists and curators discussing art, exhibitions, and process?
  3. Find three copyright-free images of Dorothea Lange’s photographs. Include titles, urls, and evidence that these images are copyright-free (e.g., in the public domain or licensed under Creative Commons).
  4. Find which U.S. collection the controversial Kouros is housed. Include (and cite) one scholarly article that discusses the controversy.
  5. Find a single collection that is now housed in multiple institutions. Include urls. (EG: A portion of the Parthenon friezes are housed at the Acropolis Museum in Athens while the rest are at the British Museum in London.)
  6. Choose an artwork and search for the highest quality image (that you would use in a publication). Include url and why you think it’s the best.
  7. What made Picasso’s Red Armchair unique? Locate (and cite) scientific evidence to support your findings.
  8. Try and find the original source from this partial image:
